Snížení cen ???

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Příspěvky: 1327
Registrován: sob 30. črc 2011 10:50:06

Re: Snížení cen ???

Příspěvek od ViR »

xsouku04 píše:Mám dobré zprávy. Údajně důvod proč ceny neklesly, je že EU komise neodsouhlasila výpočet ČTÚ - nové ceny od roku 2013. V každém případě co se cen týče cen půjdou dolů a měly by se pohybovat v Evropě okolo jednoho eurocentu za minutu. Tedy i u nás. Jsem opravdu zvědav.
Tady je něco k tomu, bohužel v angličtině:

Commission's Art. 7 Comments to the Czech NRA's proposed MTRs glidepath

The European Commission made the following comments in its decision, addressed to the Czech NRA, on the latter's proposed mobile termination rates glidepath:

"Need for an appropriate price control ensuring that customers derive maximum benefits in terms of efficient cost-based termination rates

The Commission acknowledges that as from the 1 January 2013, possibly for another three months, ČTÚ proposes to set termination rates on the basis of a FAC method.

The Commission points out that the purpose of Recital 22 and of Recommend 12 of the Termination Rates Recommendation is to enable NRAs with limited resources, to come to a cost efficient rate without having to finalise a pure BULRIC model in a timely manner. Therefore, as indicated by the Commission in similar cases, when an alternative methodology is chosen, it should generate efficient outcomes consistent with the Recommendation and with a competitive market. Outcomes resulting from the application of an alternative methodology should not exceed the average of the termination rates set by those Member States which have implemented the recommended cost methodology as of 1 January 2013.

However, the Commission underlines that by using a FAC method, even if the cost considered are only those directly related to the termination service, operators which are compensated for the actual costs incurred for termination have few incentives to increase efficiency. Therefore, the resulting tariffs do not represent the cost efficient target rates as would be the case under a pure BU-LRIC model. As a consequence, the proposed MTRs will be set, also after the 1 January 2013, significantly above the average of MTRs set in Member States already implementing the pure BU-LRIC model.

The Commission also takes note of ČTÚ 's assurance to implement its pure BULRIC model as from the beginning of 2013 and to implement the new tariffs by the first quarter of 2013.

Against this background, and in order to bring more quickly the benefits of lower MTRs to consumers and avoid excessively steep drops in MTRs at the end of the transition, the Commission urges ČTÚ to accelerate the process of implementation of the BU-LRIC model in a way that it would lead to cost efficient MTRs already as from 1 January 2013, in line with the Termination Rates Recommendation.

The Commission reminds ČTÚ that if it were to propose a new price remedy, which would deviate from EU law and the principles of the Termination Rates Recommendation, the Commission could proceed to opening a phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of the Framework Directive.

Need of a price control obligation on the fourth mobile operator

The Commission observes that the proposed regulation concerns only three mobile operators operating in the Czech Republic, and ČTÚ intends not to impose a price control obligation on Mobilkom, the fourth operator.

The Commission stresses that that even if Mobilkom's termination rates have so far followed the three larger operators' regulated prices and that there are currently no asymmetries between operators, an asymmetry of termination rates may still arise with the implementation of the currently proposed new rates, or with the application of the BU-LRIC model currently in preparation.

The Commission points out the need to bring all mobile termination rates towards an efficient level in a transparent and predictable manner and would therefore like to invite ČTÚ to impose a price regulation in line with that imposed on the other three operators and the Termination Rates Recommendation also on MobilKom."

V kostce jde o to, že na cenu terminace od ledna 2013 měl být už použit regulační model podle LRIC (long run incremental costs - dlouhodobé přírůstkové náklady na rozšíření sítě v důsledku zvýšení provozu) ale jelikož ČTÚ říká, že model nestihne zprovoznit, použil na první tři měsíce roku model FAC (fully alocated cost - zjednodušeně, zahrnuje všechny historické náklady). To však komise považuje za porušení pravidel a říká, že v takovém případě musí být cena terminace stanovena jako průměr států EU, používajících již LRIC model! A ten je výrazně nižší.

Další výhradu má EK k tomu, že do regulace není zahrnut MobilKom (Ufon) což je podle ní špatně... Nicméně, toto již EK vytýkala ČTÚ i v minulosti, a ten to pokaždé ustál, protože Ufon ty regulované ceny drží dobrovolně.
Příspěvky: 1327
Registrován: sob 30. črc 2011 10:50:06

Re: Snížení cen ???

Příspěvek od ViR »

No, v zásadě to znamená, že nová cena bude většinově platit od 15. září 2012. Takže když to vezmeme váženým průměrem do konce roku, jsme zhruba na nějakých 77 hal. :-). Ale takto to vypadá lépe (a přitom operátoři patrně vydělají ještě více, díky nerovnoměrnému volání v průběhu roku...).